WeldWalls FAQs

  • WeldWalls is a brand new outdoor mural festival in Greeley, CO. It will bring together six artist teams to create six new publicly accessible murals. In addition, the festival will present artist talks, workshops, and community activations throughout the week. The week will conclude with a mural unveiling and community celebration on Saturday, September 21.

  • Muralists will be painting publicly from Tuesday, Sept. 17 – Saturday, Sept. 21. Public events will be held throughout the week on the WeldWerks campus and other locations in Downtown Greeley. Our full festival schedule is anticipated to roll out in August 2024

  • All of the murals will be created on site at WeldWerks Brewing Co., our host for the festival. Additional festival events will be held at various locations in Downtown Greeley. A full festival schedule and map will arrive in August 2024.

  • The festival is produced by artist manger Briana Harris and visual artist Armando Silva, in collaboration with WeldWerks Brewing. The festival’s inagural year is made possible by an ARPA grant from the City of Greeley.

  • A ton of ways to experience and participate in public art! Because murals will be made on site and outdoors, you can stop by multiple times throughout the festival week and see the artists’ progress. You’ll also have a chance to meet artists and other members of our art community through artist talks, community events, and hands-on activities. Imagine a block party with paint!

    We anticipate that most festival events will be free and open to the public.

  • Our artist lineup for 2024 is full. However, if you’re an artist in the area, we’d love to get to know you! Please feel free to email us and introduce yourself.

  • This is a grassroots festival and we’re open to your ideas for collaboration! Please email us to start a convo about what could be a great fit.